Iam an experienced counsellor and trauma-informed therapist. I work one-to-one with clients, both in person and online, and facilitate in-person groups. I’m a registered social worker and I’ve held a number of different frontline and management roles in Children’s Services locally. I’m an associate in a clinical team providing therapeutic support to children in foster care and foster carers.
My initial training was in Humanistic Counselling, based on the principles of Person-Centred and Gestalt therapies; this was experiential with an emphasis on personal development and practical skills.
More recently, I’ve trained in Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy, which is a somatic (body-based) method, bringing together psychodynamic and systems theories, and neuroscience. This enables me to work at depth and with a profound understanding of how to work with difficult feelings, behaviours and emotions.
Through my own journey of personal development I have experienced different types of therapy and movement practices, including Voice Dialogue (similar to Internal Family Systems), Psychodrama and Family Constellations, which also influence my practice. My one-to-one work is integrative drawing on different methodologies to meet the needs of my clients.
My Approach
Most of us at some time in our lives have found life is not going how we had hoped. Perhaps we have something unresolved from the past or a life event has knocked us off our tracks. Talking things through with a skilled therapist can help to share the burden, reframe things and find ways through to new possibilities.
I experienced the beneficial power of counselling at a difficult time earlier in my life. To be supported and listened to fully in a non-judgemental way by someone outside of your personal situation is different to talking to a friend or family member. It provides you with a confidential space to unpack things that may be troubling you and look at things in a new way with the support of a trained therapist.
Seeking help for a particular issue you may be facing in your life takes courage and it’s important to find the right person to provide that support. That’s why I offer a short telephone consultation so we can both get an idea if working with me will be the right fit for you. You can phone, text or email me to set this up.
I bring a warm and caring approach to our work together. I’m interested in meeting you where you are and supporting you to address any issues that are holding you back from living the life you want to live. This usually means exploring and reconnecting with your feelings, long held beliefs and any echoes from past experiences that impact on your present life and influence your future.
I work integratively using my skills, knowledge and experience in ways to meet the needs of my clients. My training in Humanistic Counselling was a pluralistic training grounded in person centred counselling, and drawing on other methods such as Gestalt therapy and body process. I am also trained in the Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) which is the basis for my group work and strongly informs my 1:1 work.
The issues we face in the present are very often symptoms of deeper layers of trauma experienced in our formative years. PBSP is a respectful and paced approach designed to safely process early trauma. Whether this is in a small group or 1:1, many people find this a deeper and more impactful process than conventional counselling. The method seems to touch places other therapies do not reach. Since experiencing PBSP, I feel a lot more peacefulness inside and more satisfaction in my life.
Pete Joscelyne is one of our most promising graduates. He has a kind heart and fine PB skills – who could ask for more. I highly recommend him.
Sandy Cotter, Trainer & Co-founder of the Pesso Boyden Institute

My Qualifications
European Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
Totnes with Annie Franks and John Watkins
Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy therapist
3 years of training with Pesso Boyden Training UK
Diploma in Shiatsu
Devon School of Shiatsu
Introduction to Group Analytic Theory
What My Clients Say?
I’m grateful to work with Pete following recommendation. I experienced debilitating back pain after a period of stress – Pete has since helped me understand the mind-body connection and to make significant steps forward. The work makes sense to me and I feel supported. Thank you Pete.
Anonymous (individual therapy client)
I think Pesso Boyden is one of the most effective therapies I have experienced. I have had 3 Pesso sessions with Pete and have been amazed with the impact of each session. After the sessions, I feel lighter and optimistic but I also have noticed how much more confident I am at work and generally with all my communications. Pete is skilled and intuitive and I have recommended him to others.
C, Child Counsellor (Devon group participant)
Stepping up for a structure takes courage. And trust. So it was reassuring to have observed Pete’s gentle and steady hand on the tiller in previous structures.
When my turn came, I knew I was in safe hands. I felt fully seen and heard. Pete gently and skilfully offered possibilities for moving into embodied experiences. These were just right for me. I was completely aware that I was able to say no and guide the process so that it was just right for me, confident that Pete could hold the process with compassion and tenderness.
I was delighted by the ways in which my structure enabled me to receive, giving me new experiences of having my own needs met in a powerful and potent way. My very personal ‘antidote’ continues to resonate. A real experience of adding in some new circuitry. I feel more resourceful. Which is more than I might have expected from a one hour structure, but exactly what I asked for! I started my structure saying that I feel as if I have been sent out into the world under-resourced… so somehow this process worked through to give me exactly what I needed.
I am immensely appreciative of the Pesso Boyden process and particularly grateful that there are skilled practitioners like Pete doing this work. Truly life affirming and a cause for celebration.
B, Retired Teacher (Manchester group participant)
I found Pesso Boyden to be more impactful than previous talking therapies I have had, because it was embodied (I felt the fear I felt at 5 or 6 years old). The permission giving was so powerful – others in the group might have had similar experiences as I had in the past and shared that in their comments as we circled round for comments after structures).
Also, having chosen attendees (who we developed trust with over the weekend) take the role of ideal parents and containers, helped to rewrite some early experiences in a way that past deficits could be made good. I feel on the path to becoming whole, and feel able to forgive real parents, as ideal parents take their place in my memory. Obviously this applies to experiences I recalled in my structure, and there are other memories and hurts that will persist for now, but I’m hoping they become easier to let go of, now I’ve felt held by my “ideal parents”.
C, NHS Therapist (Manchester group participant)
I’m very happy to talk on the phone or exchange emails if you would like more information or would like to book a session. Each one-on-one session lasts an hour and costs £50 to £70.
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